Principles of Biomedical Instrumentation
This course covers the following areas:
- Introduction to Biomedical Instrumentation, Measurements, Design Characteristics, Regulations.
- Biomedical Electronics. Amplifiers and Signal Processing.
- Basic Sensors; Temperature and Pressure Sensors, Optical Biosensors; Fiber Optic Biosensors, Fluorescence Sensors, Biomedical Applications.
- Biomedical Laser Systems. Medical Laser Safety.
- Light-Activated Therapy, Photodynamic Therapy.
- Medical Ultrasounds. Ultrasounds Imaging; A-Mode, B-Mode, M-Mode, Doppler Systems. Medical Ultrasounds Safety.
- Microarray Technology for Genomics and Proteomics.
- Clinical Laboratory: Analytical Methods; Spectrophotometers, Fluorometers, Analyzers, Flow-Cytometry, Drug Monitoring.
School of Electrical and Computer Enginnering
Direction of Biomedical Engineering
7th semester (obligatory by selection)
Prof. Dido Yova